I have missed sharing my perspective and inspiration. Life, in general, has been so busy and full of changes it has been hard to keep up. I let many things fall to the wayside, and it's time to pick them back up. I have found I am at my happiest when I am helping people see something great for themselves, no matter what is happening in their lives. When I help people, I am also helping myself move forward.
We look at our lives as if there is not enough time to do what we want. I, too, have had that same problem. I realize my age and feel I should be somewhere else. When changes happen, I pull myself further from where I want to be. Then I start to feel like I am failing in one way or another. Especially when we share our goals with people around us, and those we have confided in seem to keep track of our progress. We start to let our ego take over and make ourselves wrong for the lack of or the changes in our life.
Even now, as I am sitting here writing, making myself wrong for waiting so long to pick this blog back up. I love writing and sharing my perspective with others, but then I start to get in my head about the responsibility of keeping it going. Who's going to listen to me? Do I have something worth saying? Can I help people? All those things that run through our minds. It's crazy. Why are we programmed this way?
I do know; is that we are here to learn and grow and become the best versions of ourselves daily. We are here to stretch our souls by going through trials and tribulations so we can understand that everything always works out for our highest good. We never realize it in the middle of our chaos, but it always works out. We gain much knowledge to pass along to others so their situations become less daunting.
Take your life one moment at a time, stay present, and keep yourself breathing. Everything miraculously falls into place. You are right where you need to be right now, don't sweat it. You will get where you need to be in time. Enjoy the ride.
I love you...Rita