Have you ever just cried for no reason and you realized they are happy tears? That is what I am feeling right now. It seems like no matter what we go through it always turns out for our highest good, even though it may not always feel that way.
My life has taken so many difficult twists and turns, and I can sit here honestly and say “I would not change a thing”. It is such an amazing feeling to realize how many extraordinary people are in my life. I think about my son and realize he is right where he needs to be, with an extraordinary woman who loves him just as much as he loves her. I can even be on friendly terms with my ex-husband, which makes life so much easier.
Everything that has gone on in my life has all been for this moment, right here and right now. I sit here in a pool of love and admiration for myself, because I never gave up. I kept moving forward, even when it was the worst of times, I kept going.
It really does not matter how bleak things look and feel, most of the time we create it to be worse than what it is. Now, saying that, I know there are great tragedies that people have gone through, I included; but it has all made us who we are. We can help in ways that others cannot, we can make people see they will get through their tough times as well. When one sacrifices, it’s because they will help someone who really needs it in their future.
Look at all the things you have been through…look at all the people you have been able to help including your own family because of what you have been through. It is all life lessons for us, so we can always help others move through their lives. We are given many blessings that come in horrible, terrifying packages, but what we teach is extraordinary lessons.
I look at my own life; I have made some of the toughest decisions that at the time burned bridges and hurt like hell. However, looking back, best decisions for my life and my son’s life; I would not change one thing. My son has turned out to be one of the most caring, loving and patient men I could hope to find for me. It is when we look back and see how it all works; at 50 years old, I am starting to see how it all makes sense.
My friends start to see your life differently. Don’t get hung up on what is happening right now, it is only temporary; but the rewards are great when you see the big picture.
I love each and every one of you. Happy Holidays…
Just Rita Real Talk