Do you ever get up in the morning really early wide awake, and then you are like its way too early I am going back to sleep only to find yourself more exhausted?
I did the exact thing this morning…Monday I found myself awake at 3:30 am and stayed up; my day was great. Today, same thing but I forced myself to sleep only to get up feeling more tired than ever. I am here doing my thing at work but feel like I am still in bed.
So, I decided to do my Angel Writing and figure out the situation; the situation is I need to get up when my eyes are open. No more trying to go back to sleep. First reason why you would wake up really early is to have clarification on something you are dealing with. Second reason, you have gotten your rest and you are inspired to actually do something. So get up and do it.
To many times we are missing opportunities because we are fighting to stay a sleep when we don’t need to be. If you are an early to bed person, you don’t need to sleep late; so when your eyes open, get up.
You will find yourself doing things that you are surprised you are doing, and at the end of the day you will feel fantastic. Quit putting yourself into positions where you will find yourself saying; “I wish I had just gotten up”! That will give you great ammunition to beat yourself up. Start to break those patterns.
Also, I looked at my horoscope today, and it said to break through those emotional patterns that keep you stuck in the past. That my friend; is eye opening. I have kept myself stuck so many times repeating the same thing over; and today I got my message to stop. I felt great all day on Monday, so I would have felt great today.
With the time change, it is hard to figure the sleep pattern out. You may find yourself ready for bed early, so go. However, don’t fight to stay a sleep, wake up and start moving. If you are late to going to bed, start going at a reasonable time. You will be glad that you did.
Have an amazing day my friends…
Just Rita Real Talk