Today’s inspiration is so important to me; I had to give myself permission to be however I wanted…that was not an easy task for me.
We sometimes find ourselves always looking for permission to do whatever it is that we want to do. Most of us never realize we don’t need permission from someone, who we need permission from is ourselves. Now, when I say this, I get we have families…I can hear the arguments now; but, we are always our own person. We need to give ourselves permission to be happy even with our families.
We are all here for a reason, a journey that most of us forget about. We feel that once we are married with children our lives no longer have the right to pursue our passions. That is not true…we should still pursue our passions, because, we will be teaching our children to always go after your dreams.
We don’t have to wait for our children to get older, or any other circumstance that would allow us to give our self, permission to live.
When I finally decided to divorce, get my own place and live on my own terms; there was years of torment before those decisions. I was waiting for permission from my son, my friends; I did not realize I could give myself permission to be happy. I knew that I would be disappointing a lot of people, never mind that I was always disappointed.
This is not uncommon unfortunately; most of us deny ourselves happiness because of who we may hurt. Most of us spend the rest of our lives being miserable and blaming others for what we were not able to achieve. Start saying yes to yourself; the details will work themselves out.
Don’t live your life not being responsible for every yes you denied yourself. Start living your life and give yourself permission to live. Don’t worry about what others think or say; we all have a journey here on earth, saying yes is part of the journey. Be responsible in how you proceed but say yes. Teach your children no matter what, say yes. Live your life and be happy, when your happy so is everyone else around you for your highest good. If they are not, you have some work to do.
Have a great day my friends…
Just Rita Real Talk