I have been finding myself going through a lot of lessons as of late, or maybe I am becoming more aware. At any rate, the experiences have been profound. I have been finding myself doing a lot of soul searching and wondering who it is that I truly am. We all have a way we are trying to be, but I am finding who it is I truly am.
A lot has been happening over the past few months, changes that I never expected, and yet I am grateful that they are happening. I have had to be with myself many times and look at who it is that I am. I realized what I have been asking for has been coming to me in answered prayers. However, the answered prayers are not always the most pleasant.
When I am giving Angel Readings to people, or coaching them, Answered Prayers always comes up. I always say, Answered Prayers comes in a lot of packages that don't always look nice and pretty or dressed up in bows. They come in packages that will help us to continue to keep moving forward no matter what is coming to an end. We finally mastered what we needed, and now it is time to move on.
In my life right now, I have many answered prayers that I was not expecting. When I look back, I see why things are happening the way they are. When I look forward, I get why I received the answered prayers, and I keep moving forward.
We are in this life on a journey, a quest if you will. It is a way to learn, grow, and stretch beyond what we will never give ourselves credit for in life. When the Answered Prayers come, it's because we have gotten too comfortable where we are in life, and it is time to level up. We need to start digging deep into ourselves and give ourselves permission to move on and start living. It's time that we make the hardest decisions for ourselves and stick with what we decide no matter what. Too many times, we rely on what other people think before we tune in to our own knowing.
Look at your life right now; take a moment to go through all the storms you survived. You have learned so much about yourself, now wear that knowledge proudly and take control of your journey. Make your decisions because you know what's best for you.
As I recover from my surgery, I have had to dig deep down and ask for help. I had to be kind in the moments when I was in the worst of pain. I had to breathe when my patience was running low. I found gratitude in everyone who has been there for me. I did not get caught up in self-pity because of the pain. My situations is temporary but my actions is permanent. I have learned I am a kind, loving soul here on this earth; I have to tell you, I love who I am. I love who I have become. The journey that I have been on has been helping me peel back all the layers of other peoples truth and showing me who I truly am.
My friends have an amazing day. May your day be very eye-opening from your heart and your mind.
Just Rita Real Talk