As I go through my spiritual journey, I see there is so much for me to learn. When I go through the trenches as everyone else, I'm reminded to look at things from a different perspective. I get to see how wounded my inner child is even after all the work I have done on myself. It blows my mind in frustration as well as in gratitude for another opportunity to grow.
I recently had an experience that brought up rejection and abandonment for me. Now, I have been working on these issues for quite some time; when I feel like I have it mastered, I am shown that there is still work to be done. I had my little temper tantrum because I did not get what I wanted. I kept my cool at the moment, but I was mad and had my little tantrum when I got home. I went to bed sad and woke up sad. I felt teary-eyed and need to clear my head. So I called my coach, my mentor, and talked to her about the situation. Yes, I to have a coach and mentor; I do the work that I teach my clients to do.
My mentor told me I was not honoring this person's journey and taking their journey personally. I had already done some writing and soul searching, but I still felt something I was missing. So, I brought in the big guns, my Angels; I sat down and started my Angel Writing, this is where I got some serious clarification.
Now, my Angels communicate how I communicate, so they were throwing the meat right at me. I have a past of rejection and abandonment that started when I was a baby. I have been working on these issues for a long time. Even when I am standing in my power, BOOM, I get hit with a little more healing and lessons. My, Angels informed me that my rejection and abandonment have nothing to do with me. It had everything to do with the other person's journey. I was a character playing in their movie, and I took on the emotions and responsibility of what happened. As an Empath, this is one of the things we do; we take on other people's energy as if it is our own. My Angels gave it to me; they are tired of me dealing with this, and it is time to realize it is not all about me, it is about their journey, and I can no longer take it personally.
WOW! Yes, they were tough on me; however, that is what I needed to hear. I needed to realize that not everything is about me. That as I coach my clients about being a character in someone's life, that is their journey, my client is part of the lesson for the other person. However, when you are in it, it doesn't always feel that way.
I took a few moments beating myself up; I am on my journey, learning and growing. These are lessons I need to learn so I can finally set myself free. When you are on a Spiritual Growth Journey, it is not for the faint of heart. It is a hardcore, getting deep down and dirty journey filled with so much gratitude when you start seeing yourself grow. I am forever grateful for all the lessons I have encountered my whole life. I have changed my whole self, and yet I still have moments.
My friends, I want you to realize no matter what is happening in your life, look at things from a different perspective. Start to see the lesson, and talk to someone brave enough to tell you to get out of your way. You deserve a wonderful life, and when you start to appreciate and be in gratitude for the lessons, everything seems to fall right into place.
I love you...Take on your journey only, and leave everyone else's journey to them.
Just Rita Real Talk
Rita Owen