Today I am at work and I had to deal with a situation that wasn’t bad, thank goodness but could have been. I realized today that I am actually afraid of men. I am afraid of a particular demeanor of a specific type of man. I realized that I have always had some sort of man if my life who has been mentally, physically and emotional abusive. I have always been a fighter, but now that I am on my own and I don’t have to fight for myself; I found myself terrified in a situation that could have been potentially bad.
The fright on my face and the adrenaline running through my veins was intense. When it was over, I started to do my Angel Writing; I asked why I was so afraid? Normally, I am a tough girl ready to take on the world, but when I have been out of that kind of fighting situation; I found myself actually terrified. I realized how afraid of men I really am.
I have been divorced since July, but the marriage has been over for years. My friends and my children keep asking me if I am going to date or have I met anyone? I keep saying that I am not interested, I want to find myself and figure out what I am all about. But today the answer is “I am afraid of men, and I don’t want to deal with them”. As I continued to write I understood my situation, however, I now have to confront my fears. I would rather be alone then be with another man who would only hurt me one more time.
Here I am, in a time of my life when anything is possible and I just discovered I am terrified of men. I do however have all the tools I need to make sure I choose wisely for myself. I have all the experience I need to stay away from who is not good for me and be with someone who is. I know to be careful and not just be with anyone. I am very happy being with just myself so it’s not like I am desperate to have someone with me. This is the point of my life when I get to choose and not be afraid. It’s time for me to confront the fears and push through them.
I am forever grateful for the gifts I possess; channeling Angels. I am able to write and communicate in a way that helps me see the perspective to help me move forward. It is such an amazing tool to keep me on tract and experiencing all the wonderful opportunities in my life. Being able to discover things about myself and take them on confidently is amazing. I find myself happier than I have ever been. I can’t imagine my life any other way.
Just Rita Real Talk