We all have so many big dreams that we are striving for. But when we are dreaming we have that little voice in our heads that say "there is no way I can do that" "what makes you think you can do that". You know what I am talking about. We all have that little evil crazy voice running in our heads stopping us from the best times of our lives. If you think about it, that is wear fear lives. They are roommates! They are working on us constantly. That is why, as we grow and become adults, we forget that it is okay to dream. It is okay to have big ideas on how we are going to live our lives. Even if it seems crazy, but you have that fire deep inside you that it is going to work.
That is what you need to learn how to do, keep that fire blazing. Do what ever it takes to drowned out the evil crazy voices and learn how to howl like the wind and keep your fire blazing. Put a huge smile on your face and know that you are going to achieve your dreams. Feel the sense of accomplishment when you have achieved what you wanted. Feel it with every fiber of your being.
With my business I have big dreams and goals. Every night before I go to sleep I am grateful for my empire, being at rank of Black Diamond. I am grateful for my husband, my son, my home....you get the picture....then every morning when I wake up I am run through everything that I am grateful for. I get myself in the space of anything can happen it is a brand new day getting me closer to my dreams. I feel it with every fiber of my being. I am constantly looking at positive quotes and I always pass up the negative ones.
Howl like the wind today my friends. Keep your dreams blazing inside of you!!! Until tomorrow!!! Have a great day.