Today, I had to laugh and share this inspiration. I don't know about all of you out there, but for me...mistakes are my lessons in life. I never get it the first two times...I still always feel like some how things will work out; I always try to make it work until there is no shadow of a doubt I am wrong. Hahahhahahahhahaha
How many of you are there are just like me? You know one way or another it's going to work because you said so; but it doesn't. Do you know what's cool about that? YOU ARE NOT A QUITTER! That is what's cool about that.
You are going to go above and beyond no matter what too figure things out. If at first you don't succeed, try try again. Then finally you get it and the lesson is learned. Always try, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. That is what makes us so great. We never take no for an answer and we keep going to get what we want. Again, this is what this journey is all about.
We are already strong confident women making things happen for ourselves. This journey is also about making sure we already know we are who what we want to be. It takes constant reassurance to ourselves to know how wonderful we are. Keep making your mistakes my friends, I know I will be. We are getting it, achieving what we want and letting the whole world know how powerful we are.
Have an amazing mistake filling day!!!! Until we meet again....