The past few days I have been down because of some drama that has been happening in my neighborhood; my husband and I got hit by the ignorance of some and today I have decide that they will not win.
We have been raising chickens, ducks and turkeys for the past five years; we have shared the eggs with a lot of people in our neighborhood. My husband has helped many people during hard times as well as when our neighborhood was under water. We have always been lending a hand without expecting anything in return. However not everybody sees it that way. We had been turned into the County for having our poultry and in turn we had to get rid of our ducks and our turkeys. It has been such a hard week to say goodbye to such precious animals who had given us so much.
Today I am standing strong saying "I AM". The most powerful words you can say. I AM beautiful. I AM strong. I AM happy. Change your words. Change your LIFE! These words are so very important to stand by; when you let another's ignorance tare you down; you will always lose no matter what. When you stand tall and strong and say I AM; those ignorant people can never hurt you.
Too many times we have people in our lives like this; for whatever reason they try to hurt you in the most possible way they can. Everyone in our neighborhood knew how much we loved and spoiled our animals; for someone to make sure that love was taken away in unbelievable. However, I AM! Nothing can ever happen when I don't let that kind of evil into my home.
I AM. These words are truly the most powerful words you can speak; even when events happen in your world that you don't quite understand. I AM BEAUTIFUL. These words will always show how beautiful you truly are even when you are deeply wounded and hurt. I AM STRONG. These words are unwavering; no one can tear you down when you are using the words I AM STRONG. I AM HAPPY. These words show no matter what happens in your life no one has the power to take away your happiness. If you don't let them, they can't take it away.
Let these words change your life. Change the way you think and you speak; no can take anything away unless you let it. I AM is all you need.
I love you all...have an amazing day...Until we meet again.
With all my love...Rita