I have so many things that are going on around me; money stress, work stress, business stress, relationship stress and life stress. Sometimes I feel myself suffocating and not knowing what to do or where to turn. Then I start running through my feed on Facebook and I see all the messages and inspirations that are geared toward how I am feeling.
The inspiration I am sharing today, Just Breathe Everything is going to be OKAY....came just in the nick of time. It allowed me to look around me and see all that I have and all that is around me. I started to take in deep breathes and thank God for everything that I do have, and remembered that he only brings you to things that he will help you through.
We really need to tap into our faith as we are going through life. Sometimes it feels so overwhelming that I don't feel like there is any way out...but then I look around and know what I have is amazing. I know that deep down inside that everything is going to be okay, that I had a burst of crazy energy that I used to beat myself up a bit. But the quicker I realize I am good and God is with me the quicker I become relaxed and know that everything will be okay.
Everything in life has some crazy purpose...we have to trust that God knows what he is doing and trust the journey we are on. Breathe my friends...Today just BREATHE.
Until we meet again.