Have you ever noticed there is more than one way to get things done? I am the queen of trying to figure out a faster and better way. Sometimes our journey's take us through different paths to get to the same end result. Always follow your heart; you never know what you will come across on your own journey.
As much as we want to help others or they want to help us; we are on our own journey as they are. We have to respect the paths each and every one of us is on. No one path is better than another, the lessons to learn are all different. Think about that for a second.....You know how people get upset because you don't follow their advice; there journey is not yours. We all need to find our lessons out on our own. This is so important to understand if you are going to be a better confident you.
I know for my own personal experiences, I hate being told what to do and people getting mad at me because I don't listen to them. I am that girl where I want to find things out for myself; I need to have my own experiences. I have learned to give others that grace as well. I am learning not to impose my views on someone else, because their journey is their own. They need to go through the trenches to be a better version of themselves.
Today, embrace the fact that there is more than one way to do something. Our achievements truly are our own. Until we meet again my friends.