I can't tell you how much I look forward to blogging....it really has turned into one of my most favorite things to do. Today's inspiration is so fitting and eye opening.
Growing up I didn't try very hard in school; I pretty much showed up to socialize. I didn't care about studying or really learning too much, I wanted to just be with my friends and have a good time. You don't really think too much about the future, it's always in present time you think about. However as you get older you start to realize you should have tried a little harder and paid more attention in school.
That is was this blog is about, it is not who you are right now that holds you back it is how you think of yourself that holds you back. Who thought in a million years I would ever have a blog like this. On what planet did I think that I had anything to say that was important or worth hearing or reading....I don't even know how to spell without auto correct and grammar forget about it....but I am discovering that way of thinking has been stopping me in many areas of my life. I do have something to share and I am pretty good at blogging. In fact I am amazing at it. If you can inspire your own self with your words, you can inspire anyone.
My life has shifted and changed in so many ways in the past few weeks. I am so happy with who I am and who I am becoming. One day I will be on a stage in from of millions of women making them laugh and making them cry and making them realize how important we all are. I can't wait until the day when someone comes to me and says "Because of YOU I did not quit!" That will be true music to my ears.
Change your thinking my friends. Wake up every day and know you are the most loving, friendly, caring, accomplished and important woman in the world. Once you truly believe that, you will reflect it like a bright shining star.
Have an amazing day my friends. Until we meet again....