OMG!!! Did you hear the record scratch sound in your head? So here I am being out of integrity....this is why I am not finding the time to blog. I have fallen. Since I started the challenge with work and there is money on it, I bombed!!! I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself and took away the true reason why I am doing this. It is so funny...some people are motivated by is just not that important to me. So, I have fallen and I have fallen hard. I have been sipping on the wine...eating out more often, not exercising, and I my attitude sucks. Yes, I said I am sharing the ugly. I do this to myself all the time. This is why I am the way I am. I took away from myself the true reason to get healthy and fit. It is time for me to stop the challenge and get back on track. I don't even feel good anymore. I am constantly feeling sick and tire and I am fighting a lot with my husband. The more I am out of integrity, the more I fight with my guy. It is quite sad when I think about it. I am truly hurting myself the most, and taking it out on him. How is my world supposed to be complete and abundant if I am being a jack nut?
So here it is....I am starting fresh today!!! I am committing myself back to the blog, my health and getting the lifestyle I desire and deserve. I will do whatever it takes to do what I said I would do. I am going to chew on this for a bit and get back to you tomorrow!!! I will share what I did today to get back on track.
Have a great day! I will chat with you tomorrow!!!