Putting my personal weight and life on the internet is showing me a lot of life lessons. It is so easy to get off track, but it is so easy to modify what I am doing. I am sure that I could have easily gained 10 pounds while on was on vacation...guess how I know that....my husband gained 10 lbs. He took the golf cart where ever he went or the car...he only walked with me twice and he ate like there was nobody's business. He did not even go swimming in the lake with us. What was different for me, I walked back and forth to the dock up and down hill...I walked the neighborhood every day, the last two days, I walked it twice in one shot. So instead of me beating myself up....I am proud of what I still accomplished and enjoyed myself. So we can still make some modifications and enjoy whatever it is we are doing without feeling left out. I hope that with sharing my story I am helping other women to do the same. Releasing the weight for good is a journey....it is better to stumble and learn and slowly lose, rather than to drop it all at once and gain it right back and then some. Blogging every day is showing me that I am strong and I can do it....it may not be as quick as I like...but it is working.
Today's little thought....Life is Really very Simple...What we give OUT...we get BACK! This is from the book "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay. What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. Every thought we think is creating our future. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences. I find this to be very true in my life. I always seem to forget that this holds true for me. When everything is going right, I will start to think about what can go wrong...and dollars to doughnuts...what I start to think about always comes true. It can be about my health, my body image, my relationship with my husband, even my relationships at work. It is crazy to think we have so much power within us. We use it for the bad negative stuff; we don't really use it for the good positive stuff. Just imagine for one day, you only thing about good positive things happening to you...and in reality, what is happening is opportunity coming your way, maybe you released a few pounds, or what you thought may be bad turned out to be pretty good. The problem is we always forget to think positive and look at experiences as excellent learning lessons. Here is a perfect example....my girlfriend at work, was by herself last week since I was on vacation. She had one of her most stressful weeks. By the time she got home on Wednesday evening for a long weekend, she put on her pj's and was ready to call it a night. Unfortunately her daughter has been being harassed by some bullies, and she had had enough. My girlfriend got dressed, found the girls, got them home and spoke to the parents. Clearly I am summing it up...it much more detailed and involved. However, we talked about it today. I told her, if she had me last week to chat with and calm her down, she would not be able to handle the bullies the way she did and get that situation handled. Everything does happen the way it needs to. We may not understand it, but it always works out in the end. So when we keep our minds thinking about positive thoughts and experiences, our lives will start changing and going our way. To relate this to our weight release journey; I kept my head in the game last week when I was on vacation...I did a lot of walking to accommodate the desserts and the wine. I now know, if I stay true to my eating clean and drinking just water, continue to move my body everyday...the weight will let go forever. Everything is in the way we think.
There it is...let's continue to think happy positive thoughts. Let's make sure that when we start to let the stinking thinking enter our brain we think of something that will truly make us happy. All it takes is practice practice practice!!!
Can't wait to chat with you tomorrow! Have a great night.