Today we are on day 4 of our new journey and we are starting strong. I wanted to use this inspiration today because it is so important to remember what we learned on the last one. Sometimes when we get caught up in our lives it is so easy to fall back into old patterns....now I haven't done that yet...knock on wood...but it could happen. We need to really dig deep into ourselves. We are amazing women who have taken on some pretty big challenges. We deserve to remember what we went through and how we learned from it.
No matter what is going on in your life today, always remember you are a different person than who you were yesterday. We don't need to go back and relearn our lessons, we got it. Trust in yourself that you are that much better today than yesterday. You are a strong, beautiful and confident woman today. You can accomplish anything you set your mind too. It does not matter if you stumble a little bit; because you got this...you have to remember how awesome you are and how amazing you are. There is no one person who is better than you. You are the most amazing version of who you have become.
Take today and remember who you truly are, not who you were yesterday or last month or even last year. Today you can make anything happen in your life. Today you can build your confidence high in just a quick look in the mirror. You know how awesome you are...share it with the world.
I love you all so much and I am so grateful to be on this journey....I truly feel different from who I used to be; I am loving every moment of this new journey. Until we meet again my friends.