Today is the 4th of July!!! It's a day of celebration with family, friends, food, sweets, booze, pop and whatever else you can think of. One thing I am learning is it is okay to have a little of your favorite foods and drink. Make sure you are prepared and you have a game plan to consume it. For instance, today we will be eating and drinking....We all, if you are going to have an alcoholic drink, drink a bottle of water before and after. Do the same thing when you are eating anything fattening or sweet treat. Drink a bottle of water before and after, that way you are flushing out what you are putting in. When you are drinking 10 bottles or more of water you are flushing it all out. Also, you make find you don't want to eat the whole peace of whatever that is for you. You may be full and that little taste was satisfying. If you nurse your drink, instead of guzzling you will always have that drink in your hand; it will give you that feeling of not being deprived. Most times I don't understand the world MODERATION....most of us don't. However, if we trick our minds a bit, we won't feel deprived or left out. We may find, we don't want it, or again a little taste will do us. Another trick, when you get done eating go for a quick brisk walk. Go enjoy the scenery, or see what everyone else is doing in the neighborhood you are in. That will help with the foods digestion along with helping that food scoot out the body, not finding a hiding place on your thighs. It really seems to be helping me. I am enjoying my vacation because I am tweaking a few things. I enjoy my mother-in-laws food; I go for a brisk walk up that hill. Also, I take two bottles of water to hold as I am moving through the neighborhood. I am giving my arms a work out along with my legs and bottom.
There it is my friends. Have the best 4th of July! Enjoy your friends and family, make some tweaks so you can enjoy instead of feeling deprived. Can't wait to chat tomorrow!!! REMEMBER...HAVE FUN TODAY!!!!