Today I want to you think about how successful you have been on this journey. I want you to think about all the struggles, ups and downs you went through and never gave up. I want you to look at this journey no matter where you are at; look at it as being successful!
We are all mothers in one sense or another. Each and every one of us has gone through a lot on this journey. You should acknowledge all that you have been through and you never gave up. That is amazing!
Tomorrow will be one full year of this journey. Every day we picked ourselves up and kept going no matter what. Some steps were big and other steps were small...what important is that you kept making the steps.
Today, seriously think about all that you went through and all your successes. Acknowledge them and reward yourself for all that you have done for yourself. YOU TRULY DESERVE IT!
Tomorrow will be the last blog for this journey. We will start another journey on Saturday....stay turned to find out the title of our next adventure!!!!
Have an amazing day...until we meet again.