Tip #30 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health", by Don Verhulst, MD.; Unlock Wellness With the Ten Keys That Cure. Can you believe we are on the last tip of the book? We are really getting through a lot of milestones together. So this tip is a recap of all we learned throughout the book.
1. Learn to relax....give it up to God or your higher power...whatever it is for you. Don't hold
on to worry or anything that you can't change. It always seems to turn out in the end.
2. Get to bed on time....we all know now how important it is to get your rest. It helps with your
body's recovery along with allowing your organs to function properly. It also allows your
body to release the weight. Always get to bed on time. You should be sleeping 7-9 hours a
night; from 10-2 am you get the best sleep.
3. Exercise regularly....Exercise improves your mood and helps keep the depression away. It
also improves the immune fluid to circulate through your body 4 - 5 times more than if you
were to just sit around. Also, every hour you exercise you are adding two hours to your life.
Exercise increases your metabolism for you to achieve your ideal weight.
4. Breathe fresh air...Oxygen is the most essential nutrient for every cell, and you need it every
second of your life. Infections and cancer hate oxygen...so get outside and breathe in that
fresh air.
5. Go our side when the sun is out...A moderate amount of sunshine converts cholesterol into
vitamin D, which strengthens bones. This in itself is amazing and to get outside. Also, the
sun helps with mood and depression as well. So get outside and enjoy the sun as well as
breathing in the air.
6. East your fruits...This is Gods sweet, healthy treat. Can't go wrong with eating your fruit!!!
Hit the fresh markets in your area...you will be glad that you did. The fruit tastes so much
better than from the store.
7. Eat your Vegetables....Veggies are going to get you closer and closer to good health and a
healthy weight...especially if they are raw!!!
8. Eat whole grains....Anything less than a 100% is not worth eating. Whole grains will carry
out the toxins and cholesterol out of your body.
9. Eat meat sparingly and choose white over dark....fish, chicken, and turkey are the best
options, with fish being the healthiest choice. If you are going eat red meat, be sure it is
very low fat.
10. Drink Water...This is one of the most important tips of all...Drinking your fresh purified water.
It will detoxify, cleanse, hydrate and other health-promoting benefits. It will definitely keep
you feeling full along with helping you get down to your ideal weight. I love my water!!!!
There it is my friends...we have completed the book...I will bring up tips every now and again so we can really keep our new healthy lifestyle in tack. Have a fantastic day; I can't wait to chat with you tomorrow.