One thing about being on a journey is you have your ups and downs. When you are up it is so easy to keep going...however when you are down it's hard to keep your head focused on what you want.
Sometimes when our yesterday's are filled with the junk we tend to bring them in to our todays. Who knows what I am talking about? I can't tell you how many times I have let setbacks and failures dictate how my day is going. I have gotten a lot better, but it definitely takes a lot of practice. When we are living in the old habits on a journey that is so important to us, we really need to start making changes that will allow us to succeed.
Here's the thing; we are going to keep falling back and stumbling, the trick is to pick ourselves up and not worry about it. We need to keep our focus straight ahead and not worry about what happened yesterday. We need to learn from our mistakes for sure but not dwell and beat ourselves up. God gives us do-overs if we are lucky. If we are able to wake up after our slumber, then we get a do-over...the question is how are you going to use it? Are you going to waste it by feeling sorry for yourself or are you going to put a smile on your face and try it again? These are the questions to ask yourself. Countless times I spent my do-overs feeling sorry for myself and being all depressed. It did not get me anywhere other than more days of waste.
Remember, God did not give us a book on how to live life when we were born. We have to figure it out until all our lessons for this life has been learned. We get to make our mistakes and try again, we get to succeed and get rewarded, and we are able to experience life in so many ways. No one person's life is the same to another; remember that! We all have our own paths, journey and life experiences. What one person experiences the next will experience it different. None of us are the same, and we will never have the same experience. What works for one, will not work for the other. I think this is what gets us stuck sometimes....we need to keep our blinders on and keep pressing on.
This is what I have for today....I love these blogs; I learn so much from what I write because I am ultimately talking and teaching myself. I hope that each and everyone of you has an amazing day. Until we meet again.