I have been noticing in the past few months how our world is getting a little crazy; more so than usual. Have you noticed all the violence, rioting, earth quakes and tornadoes; you name it, it's happening. It leaves you feeling sad and almost desperate for something to change.
Today I came across this inspiration and it gave me peace. How awesome would it be if we just saw each other as souls; nothing more nothing less. I bet you anything our world would be a different place. We would not see body images, we would not see color, and we would not see any kind of difference to us at all. We would actually all be exactly the same, souls floating through space and time. It makes you think....
On one hand everything would be magical and peaceful, but on the other had it would be boring and predictable. There would not be any surprises; we would all be the same.
Why can't we see each other as souls right now; accepting each other for who we are without judgment? That would be amazing...
Have an amazing day my beautiful souls...until we meet again...
With all my love...Rita