What is ENOUGH? This is an awesome question...we have our goals, hopes and dreams; when do we know when we have arrived. Sometimes we find ourselves sabotaging our own efforts because we don't recognize when we have arrived. We don't realize when ENOUGH has arrived.
Think about it...I know from my own personal self it is never enough; maybe that is why I am always feeling so much pressure and sabotaging myself. I always feel I could have done better, there was more that I could have done; I could have made it bigger and better....does any of this sound familiar to any of you?
It's so funny how we have the bar so high for ourselves. In reality we know we may not reach it because we truly have higher than we can reach. Our expectations are monumental, we don't give ourselves the credit for what we had already accomplished; we find fault with it. That is why we find ourselves failing all the time. This is such a profound thought, think about it for a minute. What have you done lately that was so important for you; everyone thought you did an amazing job and you found flaws, something you could have done better? It truly is something to really think about....
I know for me, I do it all the time. When I am truly uncomfortable with the recognition I will start making jokes, I will start laughing really loud for everyone else to join in....it always takes the uncomfortable feeling away from me, then I don't have to acknowledge how awesome I truly am. Who has done that to themselves? Think about it, truly be honest with yourself. This could be a moment of breakthrough for you to start accepting your AWESOMENESS!
I want everyone to start realizing that they are enough...everything that you do is perfect just the way it was done. There truly is no right or wrong way...work out of integrity and know you did the best job you could...then you will know that was ENOUGH!!!
Have an amazing day my beautiful friends, I am so grateful for each and every one of you!!! Until we meet again....