Today I want to ponder what it is that truly makes us happy. We do so many things on a daily basis that we think we should do and have to do; I feel like that is where we start to lose ourselves. Think about it, we grow and get married; most of us have children and then the daily grind of survival starts. I think for most women we are doing what we can just to keep our heads above water; we no longer think about what it is that we are passionate about and what we truly love. Our children then leave the nest and what are we left empty feeling of woulda shoulda coulda's.
I know I am not the only one who has ever felt like we get older we start to see things differently and we start to see what we should have done for ourselves all along. But because we have so much love for our families we literally put ourselves way back on the back burner. We then find ourselves not knowing what to do or where we belong. It's true...I myself struggle to figure out what it is that I should be doing when I grow up, my son is old enough to take care of himself and he does. I am technically and empty baby is 23 yrs. old...
I find myself trying out all kinds of things to do so I can find my true passion; blogging has been a huge inspiration for me along with my internet/radio show. It truly makes me feel like I am making a difference in peoples' lives. Being and Independent Distributor for It Works Global makes me happy and I love it; but am I really helping people? My true passion in life is helping women look and feel confident no matter what. I don't care of the situation women are in, what I care about is how they can be powerful in that situation.
Start to look at what really makes you happy other than your family. What is it that you dream about and long for...start to take the steps to get there. It does not matter how long it takes as long as you are taking the steps.
Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love...Rita