We are coming closer to the end of this particular journey and getting ready to create another. I am so blessed to have shared this with all of you. However this journey is not really almost over....the time frame maybe, but we are going to create another challenge to start a whole new journey.
One major thing that I am learning is that we need to believe in ourselves and have the support of others believing in us as well. Anyone who does not, you don't want to share this with them. You want the ones who will believe and help carry you through your journey as you learn, grow, fall and pick yourself back up. This is what is so amazing about this journey....we have so many people cheering us on, and we don't even know it because we don't always believe in ourselves.
We need to be patient. Every step we take towards our journey weather it is a small step or a big step we are making progress. Sometimes we even take a few steps back or many steps back...it does not matter, we are working on who we are and making sure our lives are amazing and beautiful. It takes time and persistence to create greatness.
Never give up....it does not matter how long it takes you to your goals and through your journey. Put the blinders on and make sure you are only paying attention to you. It does not matter what someone else is doing or how far they got....that is their journey; we are all on our own paths and our roads are all different. That is so important to keep in mind. Never give up on yourself or your dreams. You are so worth every bit of your journey no matter where it takes you.
Have an amazing Sunday my dear friends....until we meet again.