As I went on Facebook to check out what everyone was doing, I had a friend who had posted this particular picture because her 5 year old daughter wanted to know if her coat made her look fat. I KNOW!!!! I feel the same way. I can't believe how young our kids are worrying about their body image.
This has spiraled way out of control. Its one thing to be healthy and take care of your body, but it's another when the media is dictating to our extremely young people on what we should look like.
We are all here on this planet for a reason...our bodies are the way they are for a reason. We all have life lessons to learn while we are here; our bodies are one of them. There are people born with thin bodies and they never have to deal with weight in their life however they have other things that they will have to tackle. There are people born whose bodies are average and curvy, and there are people born who are obese. Everyone has their journey and everyone is different, what's important to remember is that we all have lessons we are teaching as well as learning. Our bodies were never made to be the deciding factor of who we are. We are using these bodies, housing our spirits while we are here.
Here is what the saddest thing is; celebrities are dictating what is beautiful and what is not. What we forget to remember is the fact that the celebrities will starve themselves, take drugs, work out 6 to 8 hours a day, or have plastic surgery to change what God gave them. How sad is that...a man in Hollywood decided what is beautiful and what sells. So now we have generations literally killing themselves to attain an image that is not possible without some sort of intervention.
Here is a thought...How dare we not trust God in his decision on what our body should look like. Body image is an epidemic that can't seem to get cured...it's worse than cancer. Children are growing up hating their bodies to the point of these kids hurting themselves physically, emotionally and mentally. We are treating each other horribly because of what our bodies look like. If you are not skinny you must be a lazy horrible person. But if you are skinny you must be brilliant.
Think about that...how are we raising our kids? Are they being raised with tolerance and loving one another, or are we raising our kids to judge and be hateful. Let's jump off this crazy wheel of body image and get back to the basics. Start looking in the mirror and love yourself instead of loathing yourself. Start looking at other people and see their beauty because we all have it. We all grow old and let me tell you, we will all end up wrinkly with thinning hair and sagging body parts. Who cares!!!!
Let's start to change our mindset for the sake of our beautiful children. Until we meet again...
With all my love...Rita