Talking about seasons; how many of you has gone through many seasons of your life? I am not talking about spring, summer, fall and winter the season, I'm talking about spring, summer, fall and winter in your life. You know what I am saying...
How many of you feel like you've wasted years of your life because you mad poor choices? I am here to tell you that you did not make a poor choice...you chose to learn a lesson and your class may have been difficult, you may have had to repeat the class, but you came out of it alive and you learned something. You never waste your life on the choices you make. We are all on different journeys; what we learn is only our business, no one else's. Remember, no one has walked in your shoes; no one has a right to judge your journey.
How many of you spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, and years at a job where it wasn't fulfilling for you? You have not wasted your life. You had to be in that relationship learning and growing so you can finally realize that you can stand on your own and be prepared for the amazing relationship you are either in right now or just about to be. The years you have spent with addiction have not been wasted either...you need to go through what you went through because you were learning how to get it right and make it stick. You have an amazing life right now without the addiction....it just took some time to figure out...enjoy the life you have right now!!! Being in a job for years were it was not fulfilling is not a waste either; you needed a place where you could bring home your paycheck while you figured out what really inspires you. You did not waste your life; you actually took the time to figure it out and now your life is absolutely amazing.
I love the fact that nothing that you or I have done has ever been wasted. It has all been a learning experience so that we can enjoy the rewards of your efforts. Don't ever sit and feel sorry for yourself; don't sit and let anyone else feel sorry for you. Our journey is our own...how we get to the destination is the path we have chose...we need to learn and grow, there is no easy path, we all have a path that will sharpen the skills we need and have for our amazing gift called life.
Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love...Rita