For us as women to look and feel confident, we need to choose wisely for ourselves. We need to make choices that will leave us at the end of the night feeling accomplished and ready for the next day.
To many times we make choices based on someone else, not even considering ourselves; as women, that is how we are programmed. We are taught to take care of everyone else first, make sure everyone else looks great, is fed and nurtured. When is it time for us...when do we get to take care of ourselves? That is the biggest dilemma women have...the ones who do take care of themselves have guilt and are called selfish...the ones that don't, everyone feels sorry for. How crazy is that?
We as women need to make ourselves a priority...when we can accomplish that, we can accomplish anything. We will be fully charged to take care of others. We should not be raising our children to have particular roles in life just because of their gender. We as women; we are important in this life, we deserve to have it all and be treated as such. As men, you get to have it all, you should also be doing chores and helping out with children. I know that there are men out there who take on both roles...but I am talking to the girls. We need to take a stand and be heard. There are a lot of women out there who are not taken care of....they are beaten down. It is time we stand as one. And it starts with each and every one of us....
Make a choice today to put yourself what you want to do today...don't let anything stand in your way. To be responsible with my communication....if you have children, don't cast them still need to love and take care of them...what I am talking about is take some time for you in your day. It does not matter what it something that will recharge your batteries. Everyday practice more and more to take care of you...your friends and family will see the change in you, and love you more for it.
Have an amazing day my friends...take care of YOU!!!! Until we meet again.