Being YOU is one of the most important things you need to do. You are unique and there is no one else like you. When you are being yourself time flies by so quickly because you are truly enjoying yourself. When you are being you, nothing else matters and everyone seems to really love being around you. People look forward to what you will do or say next.
NO matter where you are always be YOU. Don't ever let anyone make you be someone you are not. When that happens it dims your light. Don't ever let anyone dim your light. If someone does not appreciate you, you no longer need to be there.
Every moment you are being YOU...life just keeps getting better. People want to be around others who are true to themselves. It always allows them to be true to their own self. Sometimes people need to see someone else be true, it gives them the courage to shine their light.
You are always enough....if someone does not appreciate all you have and who you are, you no longer need to be in that space. Always surround yourself with people who love everything about you. You are always enough...don't be something you're not to please others. Don't do things you would not do to be accepted by others. God made you perfectly....YOU are enough for yourself and everyone who is in your life.
Have an amazing day my friends...Always know YOU are the LIGHT in EVERYONES LIFE!!!! Until we meet again.