I can honestly say I have been loving life lately; even though I have a lot on my plate, money stresses, moving my body and just creating a wonderful life; I am finding myself loving life.
I have been taking on different projects, creating different opportunities with my internet/radio show, and working my It Works business. I feel like I have really started to engage in my life and really enjoy all that is coming my way.
I feel different, I feel like I can take on the world, I feel like I have all I need wrapped up in this wonderful little package of Rita. I feel like I can do anything I set my mind and my heart too.
What are you up too? Are you living the life that you want? Are you taking leaps of faith into the unknown and creating an amazing life for yourself? Are you having the time of your life even though you may be going through some tough times? These are great questions to ask yourself.
Everyday I am realizing more and more what life is all about. I want the whole world to feel as amazing as I do. I want everyone to be confident in who they are and know that you can have it all. We are the stars in our movie...we call the shots, we say what is so, we decide how we are going to choose our life. It is an amazing gift that we get to receive every morning we wake up. Take the time and really look at all that you really have....all the lessons you have learned and made your life better. Look at all the people who surround you and want to be around you. Amazing gifts are these....enjoy every moment you have on this earth. Does not matter how tough it gets, there are people out there who have absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs and you will see them with a smile. Love your life my friends. Until we meet again...
With all my love...Rita