I love this quote today, mainly because I love the picture of the crazy socks. Remember when we were kids and we would put the craziest outfits together and just loved it, or if you have children; watching them learn how to dress themselves and they come up with the craziest outfits that make them feel accomplished.
That is how we should be doing our lives. Be ourselves, dress the way we want, laugh and play like we are children. Sometimes I feel like being a grown-up sucks the life out of us. We forget that we can have a great time being ourselves while we are creating our futures.
Who decided what being a grown-up is supposed to look like? Who decided how grown-ups are supposed to act and live.? I think if we kept our inner child a live we would have more fun being a grown-up and not worry so much what people think of us. I believe we would love ourselves and not judge ourselves. Do you ever remember judging yourself when you were a kid, we always thought our parents were crazy....We need to go back to being that way.
Do yourself a favor, be yourself, dress the way you want, laugh and play the way you want. Don't care what people think about you, their opinions don't matter anyway.
Have fun today my friends....watch cartoons, play in the yard with your kids or pets...or just have fun being you. Until we meet again...