This blog is about empowering women to be the best version of themselves. It's about being healthy and confident in everything that you do on a daily basis. No matter what is happening in your life you get to choose to be Empowering, Healthy, Confident and Happy no matter what.
Just for one day, love everything and see what happens....that to me is an amazing inspiration. Too many times we get caught up in the everyday grind of life. We forget how we got here and that everything in our life is a miracle and a gift. It does not matter the situation; if you are in a tough spot the gift to you is learning, if you are in a fantastic situation the gift to you is rewards with gratitude and love. Think about that for a minute....
We all have stuff that is happening in our lives...how do you choose to deal with it? Are you desperate and anxious about everything in your life, or are you continuing to keep moving forward and learn whatever it is that you need to learn. Are you sharing your lessons with others so that they may not go through what you did or are you being stingy and letting the next person figure it out for themself?
I just got done reading a book called the Moses Code by James F. Twyman; what an amazing book this is. We already have the power deep inside of us to have anything our heart desires. We are all a part of God as God is a part of us. I Am That I Am are very powerful words. God does not want us to suffer and the Divine wants us to have what our true heart's desire. I think that each and every one of us could benefit in reading this book; my best friend Mary Knauf borrowed it to me to read because the day I found out about the book she just bought it. It was for me to read and experience in that moment. I want to share this with all of you...your life will truly change.
I challenge you for just one day, to love everything and see what happens. When your heart is open and filled with love, you are opening all the doorways for your desires to come through. Have an amazing day my friends, until we meet again....
With all my love...Rita