Every day we are doing something to get closer to our goals. Every day we have high expectations and if we don't achieve them we beat ourselves up. We tend to put the bar so high we constantly make ourselves fail and give up. I am pretty sure we have all been guilty of this...I know for myself I do it a lot.
Today think of yourself as a baby just learning how to walk. It does not matter how long we have been on our journeys, just think of yourself as a baby learning to walk. Think about when you are finally getting the courage to stand up...we stand up holding on to whatever is in front of us. Then when we have the confidence we stand on our own. Soon we start to take that very first step...we fall, maybe cry but we always keep getting back up taking one more step than the last. Before we know it we are off to the races. This is our whole life.
When we are on any journey to improve our life, we learned when we were babies to take baby steps. We put one foot in front of the other and keep practicing until we get it right. We fail, we fall, and we get right back up, correct the wrong and keep moving forward. That is what it is all about. We were not born with instructions to be told what to do, we were born with ideas of what we want and then we have to learn how to get it.
Please be kind to yourself and keep taking your baby steps until you get it right. That is all we have to do. Each of us has our own journey, what it looks like makes no difference. It is all about what we learn from our experiences so we may grow to be bigger than we ever dreamed of.
We are shining stars....Let your light shine bright no matter where you are in your journey. Until we meet again my friends...