We all have a life purpose...and it truly is important to live it. We all have special gifts to share with each other to learn and grow; mine is to motivate and to teach that we are all very important in this life. To find out what your purpose is; sit quietly with the question of "what is my purpose on this earth?" Allow anything to come into your mind or any kind of feeling or vision...you will be amazed at what comes to you. If it feels right or makes you happy that is your purpose. You might even be surprised at what comes up for you...you will know when it comes; you will feel a comfort with it.
Your story is important...no matter what your story is it is yours to share to help another. Sometimes our stories are not glamorous but we have them to be able to help another. Sometimes what we go through will allow someone else to go through it easier. I have my own stories that I share; when I do I heal myself along with helping someone else go through their own experience. It is not easy but you need to share your story, it is important.
No matter what your dream is; it counts. We all have dreams; no one dream is better than another. We may think some ones dream is silly but they may think our dream is silly too. We all have dreams that are important to us, don't let what someone else thinks destroy it. Miracles start with ideas and dreams...let your miracle happen through your dreams.
Your voice matters...who cares what people say or think; use your voice for good. Use your voice to help someone who can't help themselves. Use your voice to make sure wrongs do not continue. Use your voice to be heard and make things right. USE YOUR VOICE!!! To many times people keep quiet and don't use their voice; people need to dig deep into themselves and start using their voice...only then will you be heard.
We were born to make an impact. Don't let your fears dictate how your life is going to go. Don't let the influences of other people squash you. YOUR life is unique...we are all here to make an impact in this world. We are all parts of a collective...figure out what your part is and scream it on the mountain tops and live your life. Make your impact in this world count. Don't go unnoticed; let people know YOU ARE HERE!!!
Have an amazing day creating your impact...until we meet again my friends...
With all my love....Rita