Today's Tip #22 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD., Follow a Healthy Diet. We have been talking a lot about what to eat, changing our lifestyles so we can achieve our healthy weight along with looking and feeling confident. Here are some tools we can take from the word DIET....D is for Decisive. Being decisive means you know exactly what you are doing for your body. Knowing exactly what you are putting in your body that will allow you to take care of it and meeting your goals. I is for Inspiration. Get inspired! Take some time everyday to read something that is inspirational to you. It could be a positive thinking book, The Bible, whatever will get you inspired to continue on your journey. E is for Eating and Exercising. Make sure you are eating healthy clean food that your body will enjoy using as energy, instead of junk food that your body will store. Make sure you are moving your body as well. Take a nice brisk walk around your neighborhood, or go to a park and walk a few miles. Do something that will keep you motivated and your spirits high. Join a dance class, or take up a sport you have always wanted to do. Do anything that will make your body move. T is for Thinking. Think of yourself as the new person you are creating. Let the old habits and bad behavior just slip away. Always make sure you are thinking about things that inspire you and keep you moving forward to your goals. I really do enjoy these tips. I have been learning and implementing different ideas to keep me moving forward. Now, I am not perfect and I have made some decisions that did not move me forward this weekend. However, we still have to live. So I did choose to have a drink, but I followed it up with a few bottles extra of water. I am also learning that I am not falling off my goals. Even though I did have a drink...I am not going crazy or overboard for it. That in itself is amazing for me. Usually when I love something and have a taste, I am over the edge. Not anymore. Going through this with all of you has allowed me to see; I can just have a sip or a bite and not lose it.
There it is for today. Tomorrow is weigh in and the photo shoot. I will have on different clothes to outline my body more. My other outfit is no longer form fitting, and I don't think it shows what we need to see.
Today is Sunday; the first person who shares their story or their results...good or bad gets a surprise from me. You can privately email me if you like, [email protected] I would prefer you share on the blog so we can all be in this together.
Until tomorrow...have a fantastic day!!!!