Everything is Energy. Can you imagine how true this is? Look around you, we know scientifically it is, but can you see it and feel it? Seriously take a second and look around, look at all the energy around you working and functioning so we can get things done.
Now take a gander in your own head...what kind of energy is living there? Is the energy light or heavy? What kind of life are you living? Is it full of drama and negative events or is it full of happy memories and awesome opportunities? It is an amazing thought to think about.
Everything starts with the energy that we keep in our minds. If we are thinking bad thoughts or dwelling on situations we perceive as bad, our attitude changes to a negative one. If we are thinking about happy thoughts and dwelling on situations we perceive as good, our attitude changes to a positive one. Our emotions start to change and before we know it we are having a good day or a bad day.
It truly is something to think about. I catch myself doing it all the time...if I am getting things done, happy with my accomplishments and a tiny little thought will sneak in; for example my husband would have done it better...that thought will send me sailing into a storm I can't get out of. However, if a thought sneaks in like "my husband will be surprised" that will send me into a happy let's get her done momentum. It's so true. How many times have you irritated yourself as if the person was right in front of you? I can honestly say countless times for me.
If I keep my head in the game and squash those negative thoughts, I feel a million times better. I can overlook silly comments that would normally get me going. This really is an amazing quote. "Everything is energy. Your thought begins it, your emotions amplifies it, and your action increases the momentum"; that my friend works both ways, good thoughts and bad thoughts, good momentum and bad momentum.
This is why it is so important to be practicing self love every day. If you are loving and kind to yourself and only keep in the positive parts of life, things will be so much easier. I know what you are thinking or saying right now; "Yesterday so and so did this to me" or "You don't know my life, you don't know what I have been through". I get it. Trust me, I get it. However, I have been through quite a bit in my life and I have learned to take all of it as learning lessons for myself. I am able to live an amazing life by deciding to look at the positive side of things. I am not telling you it is easy, I just want to share with you a better way to live and enjoy your life.
Really dive into this inspiration today. Take notice how you respond and react to situations. Are you fueled with fire, or are you fueled with love. I am sometimes fueled with fire, and then I take responsibility for it and fuel myself with love. I don't want to be the complaining Crabby Patty; I want to be the rainbow seeing Wrapping Rita.
Have an amazing day my friends...take this quote seriously and take inventory on what is happening in your mind. Until we meet again.