Today's tip #29 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD., Meet God's Answer to Depression. Depression is a whole body illness. It can effect the way you eat, sleep and react to things around you. Depression can be triggered by stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, a traumatic life event, or any serious physical disorder. The most common type of depression is a low-grade depression called dysthymia. This depression keeps a person from normal social interaction and enjoying life. This type of depression is associated with negative thinking patterns. I can see how this is true. When I saw my pictures from ziplining yesterday, I started to beat myself up. I started to put myself in a funk that would not be serving me. Instead, I was convinced to go swimming last night instead of going to bed. When we got back, I felt better and stopped having negative thoughts about myself. I have to keep telling myself that it is and will be okay. I am a big girl....losing 14 lbs. is not going to magically make me smaller. It takes work and dedication. Here are some things you can do to avoid this type of depression...M - Make your request known to God. Whatever your God is to you...make your request known. Don't sit there and worry about it, give it up and it will all be taken care of in the in. This is really hard for me a lot of times...I worry all the time, this make me crazy, then I jump on that crazy wheel that goes round and round and round expecting a different result. Learn to have faith and give it up. It always works out. E - Exercise. This will increase your endorphins, those feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain. When you are exercising it will help you to get rid of those depressed feelings. When you are moving your body, doing things you wouldn't normally will start to feel accomplished, like you can do anything. That will put a huge smile on your face along with positive thoughts about yourself. Exercise in increases circulation to your brain along with balance your mood and increase your alertness. E - Eat food that fight depression. Eating your fruits, vegetables, and whole grains raw whenever possible. Nuts and seeds contain essential fatty acids critical for brain function. The best protein to eat is fish. It is very important to avoid junk foods and processed foods. This will only increase your depression since it is not giving you the proper nutrition. T - Think praise and thank God. Again, whatever your God is to you...always give thanks and praise. Always be grateful for what you have and what you can give up. When you are living a life of gratitude, somehow you always seem to feel better. When you praise and thank, in general it always makes you feel good. When you keep these tips in front of can avoid depression.
There it is my friends...We really do need to be kind to ourselves. Negative thoughts and talks to ourselves is not helpful at all for our health or what we are trying to accomplish. I am going to look at my pictures from ziplining as an accomplishment. Conquering fear and trusting that everything is going to work out the way it is suppose too. When I am writing these blogs, I am always getting something for myself...when I write I know that I need to hear it the same. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to do this. I believe that I am getting stronger every day I write. I am looking and feeling more confident every day.
I look forward to tomorrows chat. Have a fantastic day!!!