Today I wanted to talk about pressure...this inspiration is so important to really absorb. We are doing incredible things with our lives. We are setting goals, we are achieving wins, and we are learning from the journey we are on.
Sometimes when we have wins we feel like we have to be winners all the time, and that causes unnecessary pressure. For me personally I start to set the bar pretty high for myself, then I start to hide and not want to do anything. That was me yesterday....I have been doing great things, and then I start to put that pressure on me like I have to be awesome all day every day. That get's to be tiresome.
We have to remember we are human and no one expects us to be perfect all the time. It is great to challenge yourself to keep motivated, but if you don't enjoy the victory for a moment, you will start the next task and put undue pressure on yourself. I battle this issue all the time.
I watch my husband keep moving; he goes from one thing to the next and does not stop. That is totally not me....and I know that about myself...however I continue to beat myself up and feel guilty I am not that person. This is an example of unnecessary pressure. This kind of pressure will beat me down and stop me dead in my tracks.
Today I woke up and I had to talk myself out of not wasting another day. I love my life and what I do, but sometimes I get tired and yesterday was definitely my day to rest. I could not even blog yesterday. I could not find anything that was so inspiring I just had to write about it. That's a type of day that scares me...that is when I know I have put too much pressure on myself and I haven't mastered the balance yet. Sometimes those kinds of days will literally last for days....but I am learning to pick myself up and start again quicker.
My friends, we are truly only human. We can do anything we set our minds to, but sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses, look around and see the beauty around you, look around and see the friends and family that is around you, enjoy what you have created and be grateful for all that you have.
Take the pressure off yourself. Be great in your moment; don't worry about anything but what you are doing in that moment. When you take the pressure off yourself, no one person can put the pressure on yourself, be kind to yourself, let yourself know you are whole and complete just the way you are.
Have an amazing day my friends...until we meet again.