This whole blog is about being Healthy and Confident no matter what shape or size we are, where we come from or how we live our lives. Everyday we wake up and do the best that we can do no matter what. Sometimes we will find ourselves extended so far out to make a good impression or to have the admiration from others. We all have done this one time or another.
I have been finding myself under the weather for quite some time these past weeks. My voice is no longer working the way I am used to, my body is exhausted every day, and I just can't seem to get my spirit in motion. I have discovered that I have filled my plate so full I can't seem to get it together; the more pressure I put on myself the worse I feel.
Without failure we do not succeed; we are not able to learn what we need to learn. We can't avoid the failures in life; we need them as it is a part of our everyday life. We don't have to be the best at everything we do. We don't have to have all the answers and we don't have to always be the bigger and better person. All we have to do is fail so we can succeed.
I think that women today put so much pressure on ourselves that we will never catch a break. We will always be extremely stressed along with killing ourselves slowly. That's how I have been feeling these past few weeks, like I am slowly killing myself. We try to do so much to be impressive or to let people know that we are much better than they think we are or to let our own selves know that we truly are worthy. When are we going to learn that we are already enough just the way we are...
For us to be Healthy and Confident we have to be able to admit our limitations and be great with it. We need to know that our journey is our own and it may not be about being the super hero, it may just be about being ourselves and knowing how much we make a difference in people's lives that are around us. I have had the pleasure of having amazing conversations with my son about our life; what I have found is how he sees me as an amazing woman who is his mother who has done all that she could for him. How amazing is that?
I am realizing that I have passions in my life that I have distracted myself from because I was trying to be more than I really needed to be; not because of what I wanted but because I thought I would be respected and accepted by all. But what really matters to me is how my child sees me and how my husband sees me, but most of all how I see me. I don't need to be the super star to have respect for myself, I just need to keep being the loving giving woman I have always been and to have the love and respect from the most important person...MYSELF!!!
Have an amazing day friends....until we meet again....
With all my love...Rita