As you all know I did my very first debut show "Just Rita" on Monday. It was a good show that got my feet wet and showed me what direction I want my show to do in.
I am all about helping women look and feel confident. I want women to know their self worth and how important we all are in this life; we matter and we all have a say on what happens in our life. One thing that is becoming very clear to me is the whole "Comfort Zone" conversation. One thing that makes my blog a success is that I am sharing my whole self all the time. I am not pretending to be something that I am not so you would be great in your own life. As I share my struggles and successes with all of you, you are all able to see for yourselves that you can do it too...maybe even better than's all up to you.
But sometimes that comfort zone is safe place to be in and when we dare to step out it can be a terrifying thing as well. I think that is why so many people don't actually do and accomplish the things that are in their hearts desire. I struggle with the comfort zone all the time. It seems that when I get comfy doing one thing I am immediately pushed into doing something that is out of the zone and I have to adjust to that. As we grow we are being pushed out of the zone, which means we will lives our lives successfully if we are always out of the comfort zone. Once we settle for the zone; we have then settled for our lives. Pending on who you are this is either a good thing or it could be a bad depends on what you truly want out of life. This is not right or wrong it is just what is it that you want in your life?
What you want will keep you in the zone or push you out....I want to be at a Black Diamond level in my It Works business...that means I would be a millionaire; that means I am being pushed out of the comfort zone which is extremely scary to me. I also want to be a Motivational Speaker around the world; again I am being pushed out of the zone.
These dreams that I have are huge; taking note at to which hard I am going to take will tell the tale of my life. I am tired of being broke and that is why I am constantly putting myself in situations that push me out of the comfort zone. I want so much for myself, my family and all of you that I continually have to readjust and learn so I can keep moving forward. What will you choose for your life? How will you show up and make your dreams come true?
This is a lot to think about...I took a good look at my show from Monday and I want to be better; I want to help people move forward in their life. I have worked too hard to let it all go and change my focus. No matter who you are or what you have done or where you have been; I am there to help you move forward. Until we meet again...
With all my love....Rita click on Just Rita on Mondays from noon-2:00 pm. You will be able to call in and you will be able to go in the chat room and talk to other people who are like minded; you can ask questions, add your point of view or connect with amazing people. I can't wait to see you on the show!!!