Living with integrity is so very important. Doing what you say you will do for yourself builds confidence that you don't even realize. Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships are so very important. We all deserve the best in every relationship we have; whether it be with a sibling, a parent, a friend, a child, a co-worker and even a spouse just to name a few. When you do not demand the best for yourself in relationships you will welcome chaos and maybe difficult times. For myself when I had relationships that I knew were not good for me I got a lot of heart ache. It is a never ending cycle of disappointment. It is up to you to demand healthy relationships for yourself.
Asking for what you want and need from other is an amazing quality to have. When you are able to ask for what you want and not settle because of fear; you will get all that you deserve. We are so afraid of asking for what we want in a relationship. We are always afraid of offending the other person or maybe afraid of asking for too much. When you have confidence and self worth; asking for what you want is a necessity it is not an option.
Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension shows how much you truly love yourself. When you are able to stand strong and demand what is your truth; somehow things always seem to work out for your best interest. When you are not a stand for who you are, no one will see your value and give you the respect you deserve. Sometimes speaking your truth will make some people go away; that's okay, let them go. They don't need to be in your life until they have the respect for you that you deserve.
Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values will allow others to be in harmony. When you are acting crazy and yelling all the time, people will act the same way. When you are in harmony with yourself and you are unwavering with who you are, people will respond to that and be the same way. If they are not responding to you the way you want, let them go. You want to create people around you who are like minded.
Make choices based on what you believe, not what others believe. Every time I went against my better judgment I always found myself in trouble. Always trust the gut instinct that we all possess, we truly do know what is best for us. What may be true and best for one may not be true and best for us. Always ask yourself "am I going to regret this" if it is yes, don't do it....if it is no, then go with your gut.
Today's inspiration means so much to me. I have been through many relationships that I have kept very close to me, some that I have let go of and some that I are there when I need them. We always need people in our lives; be choosy about the ones who you let in. Remember, we become who we hang around most. Who do you want to be?
Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love...Rita