Today's inspiration is so fitting. When we have goals or we are on a journey we always want the end result right away. Sometimes it won't happen for quite a while. Sometimes we have to go through all the ups and downs, swirly twirly roads. Sometimes we need to take a few steps back to take few steps forwards. It truly is amazing.
We always have to remember to practice patience. Our lives are so amazing, what we do while we are here is so important. God has created us for a reason. There is something that each and every one of us is supposed to do. Some of us know what that purpose is and some of us don't, they are still trying to figure that out. Every step that you take during that process is so crucial to who you are. Every mistake that you make is a very important piece to who you are. Every step that you take forward and keep going, never giving up are all the keys you are collecting for the big reveal.
Our lives are all different. If we keep trying to get closer and closer to who we are and what we are created for, we will be so much happier and confident for it. We should always keep our blinders on no matter what. We may be on the same journey with someone else but how we are to reach the destination will be completely different from that person. Each of us have our own separate way, we each have our own lessons to learn and too teach. That is so amazing to me.
I always have to remember this for myself. Sometimes when I look around I see someone on my same journey and they seem to be going faster than me, or even slower than me...that is why we need our own blinders so we stay focused on what we are doing, not on what others are doing. Leave the judgment out and keep trying to reach for that next step.
Have an amazing day my friends. Keep your focus on you and only you. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!!!