As we are in January it is a new year and a new you. We get to review last year for a quick moment and start this year fresh. A new clean slate and what we did not accomplish last year we can do it this year. The first thing that is on the agenda is to love yourself fully. Look into that mirror without judgment and really love yourself. Talk to yourself; tell yourself that it's okay and we can pick up where we left off.
To many times we beat ourselves up for things that we think we should have done. However, if you really think about it, everything happens for a reason. For whatever reason a project did not get completed or a goal was not achieved there is a reason that we don't know about. Maybe we weren't ready, maybe something was not going to work out in our favor....whatever the reason does not matter, what matters is that you can start anew. So love yourself instead of beating yourself up.
When doors get closed, keep them closed. You have already learned what you needed and now it's time to walk through another door. It's time that we all start looking differently at our lives. It is truly time to start loving ourselves unconditionally so that other around us will love us the same. When we start looking at life as a class filled with learning and lessons things become a little easier. When things get really tough you will be able to handle whatever it is easier because of the lessons. We don't really realize that when we are going through life we are actually learning and preparing for the future. We are being taught that we can do anything and handle anything that comes our way. Look back at your life and really take notice on what you were taught. You would be amazed.
When I look back at my past I see a hard life, but most importantly I saw lessons that have gotten me where I am today. There is not one thing that I would change because I would not be the woman I am today. Think about it my friends, think about what you have been through...what did it teach you, and how were you able to handle life? It is truly an eye opener! Have an amazing day my friends. Until we meet again....
With all my love...Rita