Today's Tip # 17 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD., Eat Foods Your Heart Loves. At first when I saw the tip...I was saying "WHAAAAAT that is how I got here....hahahha". However, I have learned something new today about eating for our heart to stay healthy and beat the way it is supposed to. We can't live the life we want if our hearts are not healthy. We would be having surgeries, maybe on oxygen, definitely taking a lot of prescriptions. We would not be able to be as active and maybe not even live a long life. Turning 45 puts me in a category I never thought I would be in. When you are young, we think we are un-touchable; nothing could ever happen to us. But as we are starting to approach the middle age years, we get little messages from our body telling us to change our behaviors. When we are stressed, it takes a toll on our hearts. When we eat nothing but high fat junk foods, it too puts a toll on our hearts. When we don't get enough sleep, and then mask it with a lot of coffee, or we don't exercise...again this puts us at high risk of heart disease. So as we are making changes to our lifestyle, we need to pay attention to what our heart needs as well. It never really dawned on me that my heart requires vitamins and minerals to beat. I have never really thought about my health until recently. I have always eaten what I ate, felt the way I did and just chalked it up to getting older. I am definitely changing my mindset about that....the more I am eating whole fruits and veggies, taking my supplements and greens, the better I am feeling. I don't feel so sluggish and I am able to breathe easier. The breathing thing has always been a problem for me. But with this healthier lifestyle I know my organs are functioning better. Did you know that you can eat good carbohydrates such as whole grains, breads, cereals, and pasta that will release energy slowly into your body? Foods such as wheat, oats, rye and brown rice are loaded with fiber for cleaning out bad fats and detoxifying the body. They also have an abundant source of minerals that we need like calcium and magnesium to feed our heart so that it can continue to beat. There is so much mixed reviews about eating carbs, what kind of carbs, don't eat any carbs at all....we never know what we are supposed to be doing for our bodies. However....if we don't eat the healthy carbs, all that garbage will stay in our bodies, because we are not eating what we need to too clean it out. Different types of foods we can eat to keep our body healthy is olive oil, fish, eggs, lean meats and some dairy products, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds. The deeper the color of the fruits and veggies the better it is for you, loaded with the vitamins and minerals your heart needs.
There it is my friends. As we are changing ourselves to look and feel confident....let's make changes so that we are confident we are doing what we can to eat what our heart loves. As we are looking good, let's also feel good on the inside.
YOU are all doing fantastic. I think that with every little change we are implementing slowly it is making our journey easier. We are able to see how we are able to do it and WE ARE DOING IT!!!! I love it!!! What a great journey to be on.
Until tomorrow my friends. Have a fantastic day!!!