With that being said it is so important to let go of 2014. No matter what happened last year, do now dwell on it. We just got a do over and it is time to focus on what is right now. It's time to glance back for a second to make changes for our present and future; but don't sit and dwell on the mistakes and bad times.
To many times we get hung up in our past. We put ourselves down and hold ourselves captive reliving our mistakes. The past is already behind us; use those lessons and learn from them. Be grateful that you got through it and you can learn and change from those past mistakes. Don't sit there and dwell on what could have been because that will not get you anywhere but stuck. Trust me, I have dwelled in my past too many times to count and it never got me anywhere but miserable.
I think of everything as learning lessons. I had a family I broke free from, I had a husband I broke free from, and I had jobs that I broke free from. When I think of all the events in my past; I am forever grateful that it has all lead me to today. I have more opportunities coming to me because of who I am. I have amazing people in my life because of all I have been through. I have a life that is amazing because of all that I have been through. How do you ask? I stopped torturing myself about my past and really took a good look at all that I had learned from all of my experiences and I realized each lesson has lead me to my amazing life today.
Here is something else to think about...my life is amazing because I appreciate and I am grateful for every bit of it. Someone looking at my life may say it's not all that; but to me it is everything. I have an attitude that allows me to see the greater things in life despite what it may look like to others. That has allowed opportunities in my life that allows me to live my dreams.
Starting January 26th, 2015 on Monday at 12:00 noon until 2:00 p.m. central standard time; I will be hosting my own show on www.247thestream.com/news "Just Rita". The show is all about empowering women to realize they have what it takes to live their dreams. They just have to find the courage to do it, and I am the perfect person to help you see the greatness in you to live your dreams. I can't wait to do the show and be will all of you on the airwaves, my dreams are coming true because of all the lessons I have learned in life. I am letting go of the past, learning from the past and being grateful of the past.
Have an amazing day my friends....let go and start living. Until we meet again...
With all of my love....Rita