Okay, today's weight in...... I am at 204 lbs...I have lost a total of 14 lbs. so far. I am moving my body, drinking my water, eating foods that will only serve my goals and staying away from the wine. I am also taking my supplements to ensure that I am getting all my vitamins that my body is requiring. For the first time in my life, weight is melting off of me and I am not feeling like I am missing out on anything. I believe my brain in finally in the zone. I am eating and thinking differently about food. I am not obsessing about what I am eating or what I thought I was missing out on. I am planning ahead to make sure that I am staying on track. It definitely takes some effort....but for once in my life I know that I AM WORTH IT!!!! I hope that you are realizing YOU ARE WORTH IT AS WELL.
Today's Tip #16 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD., Think Well and Be Well. I love this tip! One thing that I am truly realizing is a happy positive attitude will help you get through anything in your life. When we stress and worry about everything, we start to have negative thoughts and that will affect our immune system. Just the beginning of this year I was worrying about money, my business, work, things that I am trying to do...and all that worrying didn't not get me anywhere but being sick. In fact if I think about it, it started last October...you know, holidays are coming, I don't want to go to any parties because I hated the way I looked. I was sick with my asthma, so I was on a lot of steroids. My body was getting sicker and sicker. So I started to do some serious self development. Change the way I was thinking. I even bought the book "The Happiness Advantage" by Sean Achor, which allowed me to see how I am making my own self sick. When I started to change how I thought and respond to different events...I really saw a change in myself. Now I look back, and whatever I worried about turned out to be just fine...and now my body is starting to make changes and slim down because I am not stressing about how I look. I now love and appreciate myself for the first time and it is finally all starting to come together. One thing I was thinking about on my way into work this morning; I am turning 45 in July....45....I have been loathing and hating my body since I was about 10 years old. Ten years old....can you imagine? 35 years of all that negative thinking and abuse to myself. It's no wonder I have had all different kind of terrible decisions and issues in my life. I never felt worthy of anything good for myself. But now that I am always finding the silver lining in almost every event that occurs...things are always turning out for my highest good. That to me is magic right there.
My challenge for you is to find something you really love...maybe a walk in nature, watching a baby play, or maybe watching animals....sitting by a pond or water fall....whatever your bliss is for you...go do it for at least 1/2 hour. Really soak in the beauty of whatever it is that you love to do....and then check your attitude. How are you feeling? I bet you are feeling calm and peaceful....try it...see how it works for you. I have chickens, ducks and turkeys that I am raising...I love them. I love to watch them in the yard playing and eating the grass. I love to watch the ducks playing in my channel in the back yard. These are moments that I appreciate where I live and what I have...it always puts me in an amazing mood. My family loves it too, nobody wants a crabby mom and wife. Anyway, try it...please share with me what you found for yourself. The more you have happy thoughts the healthier you are, and the more you will stick to your goals and not give up.
I hope that someone will be brave to share their success or even struggles if you have it. The first person who shares today on this blog...I will have a special gift for you. Who is ready to share????????
There it is my friends....I am now down 14 lbs. (oh, next photo shoot I will be changing my outfit. I don't think the camera is allowing you see some changes. My clothes are definitely looser, however I think I need tighter fitting clothes so we can document better). Don't worry, BE HAPPY!!!!! That will help you stay healthy and on track with your goals.
Can't wait to chat tomorrow!!! Have a great day my friends.