What are you passionate about? This inspiration really allows you to think about what it is that you are being called to do. I am always passionate about inspiring women to know how wonderful they are. To allow women to realize they deserve to be treated the very best way possible.
Since I was a little girl I always wanted to be that someone who makes a difference in women's lives. I have always wanted women to know their value and not allow men or anyone else treat them badly. I would say that is my true passion and calling. That is why this blog is so important to me.
I want to reach as many women as possible, so they can start to realize if they don't already, how important and special they are. That they deserve the best things that life has to offer. I want women to realize they are stronger than they think and they can do anything they put their minds too. If they are in a position that is not desirable, they can reach out to someone who is strong and get the help they need.
Too many times I have seen some of my friends be in relationships that are not good; me myself included. I was in a relationship that gave me the greatest gift of my life, my son. However, over time the relationship was toxic. I was not physically abused, but I had a husband who got arrested frequently along with having affairs as I was trying to keep the family together. It was a period of time that put me in a place that was very low. I had zero self esteem. I felt like I only deserved what I got, until the last time I caught him cheating. My son and I went to a counselor as we had in the past....but this time this counselor asked me if I had any respect for myself. I could not believe what I was hearing. Then he looked at my son and said you are raising a man; how are you going to raise him to treat women? From that point on I got myself back and I have been strong ever since.
I share that piece of myself, again not for sympathy but to show that no matter what your situation, you can always change it. You can always pick yourself up, dust off and be the woman you were put on the earth for. I am a stand for all women. I don't think that anyone is better than another. We are all equal and we all deserve a great life.
I ask, what is your passion? When you realize what that is, BE THAT!!!! Until we meet again my friends.