Today's inspirations is absolutely amazing; I possess all these qualities and so do all of you. We can get through anything we set our minds to and we can do the same with creating all that we want.
We all possess the qualities that can make our journeys magical. If you look at the list of I's, I'm, and I AM's you will see that you have everything it takes to make your dreams come true. We just need to remember this on a day by day, minute by minute, second by second basis. We have all the magic already inside us. The question is: When are you going to let it all come out?
Seriously, look and study the list.............The magic is already inside each and every one of us, we have been beating ourselves up for so long we forgot. We have allowed others to tear us down and we started to believe we weren't worth it. We created a life for ourselves that proves we aren't worth it. I am here to tell YOU THAT WE ARE ALL WORTH IT! We can have it all; we just need to get rid of the stinking thinking and the negative Nellie's in our lives. That means, smile more, laugh more, say yes when you want to, say no when you want to, take chances when it feels right, make changes that would scare you but make your life amazing. These are little steps that you can take to make your world a magical place.
When you can dream possibilities you can be that possibility, all it takes is taking that first step then the rest of the steps are taken one at a time. As we come to the end of the year take your first step so that the New Year starts off with the next step, and then the next step and keep repeating your steps with actions that will make your life the magical life you have always dreamed of. I am doing it; I hope you all join in taking the steps with me.
Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love...Rita