This is the perfect time to reflect on this year and start to make some plans for next year. Maybe look at some things you did not get done this year and see how you can make it happen in 2015.
One of the things I love so much about New Year's is that if we are lucky enough to still be here we always get to have a second chance at our life. We get a do over if you will; how cool is that?
What do you want to do in 2015? I feel like this coming year is going to be my best one yet; I can feel it in my bones. I already know that I will have my own internet /radio show on www.247thestream.com/news called "Just Rita". My show will start on January 26th on Monday from noon - 2:00 pm central time empowering women. I will be starting the New Year with my Conference for It Works Global in Orlando, FL in January, and I get to see my sister who I have not seen in over 20 years along with my two older brothers who I met briefly in July. Some how all the work I put into this year is giving me the goodies right from the start of 2015.
When I look back at this year, it has been one of the hardest years along with being one of the most amazing years of my life thus far. I have been able to take everything coming my way with grace and ease and not getting myself too crazy over it. I have learned so much patience this year; I can hardly believe it myself. I have learned not to control every moment of my life and I learned to let things come to me as they may....everything happens for one reason or another, one lesson or another. I have learned that I have choices; I can either choose to take things the hard way or I can choose to learn from everything and know that everything is working out for my highest good.
What did you learn this year, what did you experience this year, and what is it that you are going to reap the goodies in the year 2015? Think about those questions for a bit and really take notice of how amazing we are for all that we have accomplished and did not realize. Give yourself a huge hug; you deserve every bit of love from yourself.
Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love...Just Rita!