As we start our new journey, take the time to realize all the mistakes we made on the journey we just completed and how it will takes us to the finish line on our new one. Really take in how much we learned and grew....this is so important as we take on our new journey, as it will allow us to realize that we can truly do it.
Every mistake we make is always a stepping stone towards are future. It is one step closer to what God has put us on this earth for. Really think about that.... It is so easy to beat ourselves up over the woulda, shoulda, and couldas. Never once do we ever take into consideration that the mistakes are the stones to achieving our goals to complete the journey.
I sit here writing this blog and I am truly in aw about this inspiration. I am my own worst critic, however not this time. This time I am giving myself the grace to take my next steps from the lessons I have learned and making this journey my most accomplished and successful journey yet. I feel like I am prepared to take on all my highest goals to be Healthy and Confident in every bit of my life.
What stones are you stepping on that are taking you forward? Isn't it great to think of our mistakes in a different light? I feel so much better and ready to take on this journey...it has already started for me. I am choosing better choices for my food and drink right now. I am moving my body more now than I did in this past year. I am choosing to be kind to myself and say nice things about me. I am also choosing for myself in a positive way, not a way that will make me feel deprived in my life. I am finding that my energy level is through the roof. I am also finding that I am so happy right now; I am on a natural high!!!
Have an amazing Sunday my friends. Until we meet again.