When I think about all that I have been through in the past couple of weeks I am amazed how much love I have received through all of it. I am amazed at how many people absolutely love me and are praying for me; that is something to really smile about. My recovery from this asthma attack is taking a bit of a toll on me; I am not bouncing back like I normally do, but knowing how many people are supporting me makes me smile.
I look outside and see all the Christmas lights that are going up in the neighborhood; that makes me smile. I see all the little kids playing and getting excited for Santa; that makes me smile. I see the animals playing in the yard and looking for food; that makes me smile. I look at my family and that makes me smile. There are so many things that can make us smile through the hard times of life. We all are going through something that takes a bit of our thunder; but if we can have faith that everything will work out for our highest good and have a smile on our face, we will get through it better than we could have ever imagined.
Life is not always easy, to many times people and even myself will make situations worse than they actually are. It's because we forget to have faith that everything will work out for our highest good. We think that we have to fix everything; but we can't...if we have faith the answers come to us quicker, we just need to be listening. For us to listen, we need to quiet our minds, be in nature or anything that makes you happy and just smile. All we need to know is no matter what it will all work out somehow; and in most cases it always does.
No matter what it is you are going through do it with a smile. No matter how bad you feel do it with a smile. No matter what your money situation looks like do it with a smile. A smile will show that you have faith and you trust that God is there helping you get through the toughest of times. Just think about that for a minute....I have seen people living on the street with a smile on their face, someone who is losing the battle of cancer and has a smile on their face, someone whose world keeps crashing down and has a smile on their face. Those are the people that I look up to because no matter what their journey is on this earth they are doing it with happiness; they are not allowing their circumstances to dictate how they are going to be. That to me is amazing!!!
Smile my friends...no matter what; SMILE!!! Until we meet again...
With all my love...Rita